We're starting to wonder what's going on with Three Australia. They are now offering the Nokia E63 $29 cap with a bonus 150 minutes of talk time between you and your 3 friends and family for every month of the 12 month contract. Maybe its because of the missing = sign on the E63? Just kidding, but if you want to take advantage of this, you will need to get someone to refer you to Three. Details at our Nokia E63 blog here or read more about the Nokia E63 here.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Why blog about mobiles? Part 2
It was quite a while ago when I first wrote about why I write about Nokia tips. Another question is, how do readers keep bloggers sharing their thoughts and experiences? Well, one obvious way is to subscribe and read the blog in the first place.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Get the most out of Nokia PC suite - update to
As always, we have just sensed a Nokia PC suite release and currently downloading and installing it. Follow this link to ensure that you don't end up downloading instead.
New Nokia PC Suite here.
All I can see is a Nokia Music Store icon added to the PC suite.
Did anyone else notice any new features of
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Best of all Worlds - Nokia E63

Monday, June 15, 2009
First Look: Nokia E72 adds iphone-esque revisions to Nokia E71
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Application won't load up, what's wrong?
We all understand that phones trying to be computers can sometimes run into their limitations. Sometimes you may install a program and when you try to run it, you are rejected back to the applications menu. "Great, the program doesn't work... I'll blog about how Nokia Email is a fail". Before you do that, try closing some applications. Some programs are polite to report that the reason why they are not opening is because of a lack of memory. Some just act as nothing happened. You may be surprised how much memory even just the Web browser can take up. Once you have closed some other applications, try opening the program again.
Getting online quickly on the Nokia E65
Shortcuts for web browsing on your phone
Press 2 to search for keywords in the current page.
Press 3 to go to the previous page.
Press 5 to show all open windows.
Press 9 to enter a new web address.
Press 0 to go to your homepage.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Using a GPS bluetooth adaptor for your E65 or E63
Recently, Gamma asked about my experience using the GPS bluetooth receiver with my E65. I have found it to be extremely convenient, particularly because the GPS receiver I am using is so small it fits well on a key chain. I have it mostly in my car which is where i usually need to use the GPS features. One flick of the switch, open Google Maps and in minutes I can see where I am and find out how to get to where i need to be.